A Cinematic Feast on the Horizon As the film industry revs its engines for 2025, audiences are already buzzing about a lineup that promises blockbuster spectacle, auteur brilliance, and nostalgia-driven revivals. From superhero juggernauts to visionary sci-fi epics, here’s your curated guide to the movies that will dominate dinner-table debates and Twitter threads in the…
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Squid Game: Three Years Later, Its Screams Still Echo in the Silence
Imagine a show so potent it becomes a Rorschach test for capitalism. A show where a child’s game morphs into a slaughterhouse, and the line between “player” and “spectator” blurs until we’re all complicit. Squid Game did more than break records—it cracked open the collective psyche of a generation drowning in debt, gig economy precarity, and algorithmic…